To facilitate the registration process, we are providing 2 additional options to register.
- You may register by mail through Canada Post using Cheques
- You may register electronically by email and pay by electronic transfer
Option 1 - Register by Mail through Canada Post:
The registration form is attached. You can fill the form electronically and then print it or you can print the form and fill it in manually.
There is a calculation sheet attached to help figure out the amounts for each payment. If you want to prepay the volunteer fee, please add $50.00 to your total. If you pay your volunteer fee by post dated cheque, please add a $50.00 cheque dated April 15, 2025. Volunteer cards will be available at the start of the season.
Mail the form together with your Post Dated cheques to:
Parry Sound Curling Club
Box 738 12 Johnson Street
Parry Sound On
P2A 2W7
Option 2 - Register by email and E-Transfer:
If you fill the form electronically, you can save it and email it to the club at and pay through your bank by electronic transfer. You can also print the registration form, complete the form manually and scan the form or take a picture of the registration form and send the attachment to
A message from President Alain Bourgeois:
We are returning to an “Early Bird” registration system from the one time Covid fee. While we have seen stability in our registration fees, there is a moderate increase in this year’s fees. (The percentage savings in the Early Bird fee remains consistent with past years when registering prior to July 1st). While we have not changed the membership portion of Pay as You Play, the individual fee game is increased to $15.00. Similarly, the Spare Fee will go to $15.00.
This year, we will have the same evening leagues as last year, please include the names of the people on your teams on the second page of the registration form. If you do not have a full team or would like to be placed on a team for league play, please indicate this on your form and by email or a note attached to your registration form if it is mailed in.
In addition, we would like to provide an opportunity to start an Open Doubles league at noon on Sunday afternoons. There will be no charge for unlimited members. Registration can be made as a Single Event or we can provide for a “Pay as you Play” option similar to the other PP leagues. Those interested or if you would like additional information, please send a response to Ron Gill at
Registration for Monday nights will be limited to 18 teams, so register your teams early.
We will continue with 2 draws on Wednesday mornings. You can enter a full team or register as individuals and we will place you on a team. Sessions will work based on the number of teams registered so that each team plays everyone once during the round robin. Byes will be incorporated if we have an odd number of teams.
Seniors Daytime curling will be held on Tuesday and Thursday mornings in the same format as previous years.
Friday Morning Ladies, for those who have not already committed, additional signups/registrations will be accepted and put on the spare list. This league is very popular and has the opportunity to expand. While we recognize that going to 2 draws is not ideal, there has been interest in possibly adding another ladies league at10:00 AM on Mondays. To gauge numbers, please add a note with your registration if you are interested. If there is enough interest, we will move forward with it.
Friday Evening Open League will have one draw at 7:00 PM. You can register as a team or as an individual or sign up as an individual and we will place individual registrants on teams. In the event we are overbooked, the first teams registered will have priority. If we have 9 or more teams we will incorporate a bye in the schedule. Sessions will work based on the number of teams registered so that each team plays everyone once during the round robin. Byes will be incorporated if we have an odd number of teams.
If you would also like to spare on any given night or the Wednesday AM or Friday AM Leagues, please indicate that on your registration form. Those paying Unlimited can spare as often as they like, those paying full single memberships qualify for 5 free spares and can spare for 5 additional times to a maximum of 10 before being required to upgrade to an unlimited membership. (Spare Fees are $15 per game)
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